
no ordinary day...

Today was no ordinary day.

I woke up at my ordinary time. The kids went about their ordinary routine and climbed aboard their ordinary school bus. I watched my ordinary morning program as I answered ordinary emails.  I ran ordinary errands, and went about an ordinary work day. I had an ordinary lunch and left my ordinary tip.

But today was no ordinary day. Today I awoke with a revelation of how incredible the gift of today is. And that changes everything.

Day in and day out I awaken, go about my day, and then eventually doze off to sleep… dulled by the predictability of it all. The ordinariness of life.

But there is nothing ordinary about any today.

The very mechanics that keep you and I breathing are mind-boggling. The fact that we awaken each morning is a miracle in and of itself. The delicate balance that is necessary to keep us functioning… it’s truly astounding if you delve very deeply into it all. In fact, there is nothing ordinary about the fact that I can form thoughts and ideas, assimilate information, type it into this keyboard on my lap, read the words from an illuminated screen, that the light splashing against the back of my eye would cause electric impulses to begin bouncing around my brain… forming thoughts and ideas, assimilating information…

That’s extraordinary! Have you ever stopped to think about it at all?

And so, this was no ordinary day. As I opened my eyes this morning and began talking to God about today, considering the tasks before me, He impressed upon my heart “this is no ordinary day… none of your days are ordinary. Each carry a plan, a purpose… no, there is nothing ordinary about today…”

So, as I made an ordinary home visit, I found the extraordinary opportunity to meet another of God’s children at her point of need… not a need for additional in-home services, or for food or money, but the need for someone to be present, listening, nodding with empathy and offering hope during this difficult season in her life.

As I sat waiting for my lunch, I found the opportunity to smile gently to the one preparing my food.

As I ran ordinary errands, I found the chance to bring joy into chaotic places, grace where other customers would have shown frustration, and appreciation where so many take for granted.

As I heard the ordinary beep of my cell phone, I was blessed by the opportunity to pray for a dear, dear friend and to encourage her heart the way she has so often encouraged mine.

His grace met my heart today, and there is nothing ordinary about that. He smoothed away a bit more of me, making room for more of Him. That is extraordinary.

And so today I am changing the header on my blog. This is no longer “a glimpse at my quirky, mundane, blessed little world”… because there is nothing mundane about this world. There is nothing mundane about this breath in my nostrils, or heart beating with such passion in my chest, or mind firing off thoughts faster that I can record them… this is an extraordinary world. Full of possibilities.  Ripe with potential.  This is a life saturated by His grace. And that’s amazing.

Praying for you, friend, who feels dulled by the predictability of it all. The ordinariness of life. I understand. I have been there.  And so I am praying that you will encounter Him in a fresh way today… that your eyes will be awakened to the extraordinary grace that pours into each day He has given you, the love He has for you, the mercy He has extended to you. Praying that He will open your eyes, as He did mine… to this magical opportunity we have to find grace in the everyday. 

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