
did you miss me?

where have i been, you ask? how is it that i've only made one brief post since 4/28? i know, i know... these are the burning questions that have kept you awake at night... so let's take a look at my recent life

4/29- typical crazy wednesday. work all day, get the kids from school, shopping for sonshine kids, then youth group bible study and turtle time. flags may or may not have been involved.

4/30- all day training/meeting at work. convince tali that it's okay to miss dance class. packing for departure to wisconsin tomorrow morning (by 6am no less).

5/1- wake up to realize it's 5:38. madness ensues. manage to get husband, two children, and self up and dressed and out of the house by 5:54. i've got mad skillz. leave for wisconsin. arrive safely to find we are staying in a "quaint" hotel on the property. we definitely did not refer to it as the bates motel. ever.

5/2- lovin' me some green lake.

5/3- leave green lake having caught the vision and having one of the most emotional, touching experiences with the amazing group of people God called for just such a time as this. meet a sweet kid named nate with the cutest accent at pizza hut. much discussion, singing, and sleeping on the van ride home. kudos to our driver, steve for getting us there and back safely. oh, and i'm fairly certain we were one of the most rowdy groups ever to haunt the terre haute steak 'n shake at 9pm on a sunday night.

5/4- gratuitous day off work to rest. blog post made on this date.

5/5- having missed dance class last week, definitely couldn't miss today. worked rear end off due to having been essentially off the road for three days in the last week.

5/6- another crazy weds. work. take brother to doctor's appointment. ask jennifer to cover me shopping and preparing for ssk tonight due to said appointment and having to leave for another training (for work this time). pack bags again. arrive at church in time to assist with meal. realize church clerk will not be showing up for business meeting, so as assistant stay to take minutes of the meeting. hug and kiss kids goodbye {again}. pick up mom and head to columbus, indiana. arrive safely at 9pm.

5/7- attend training on ministry with the elderly. so good. had an awesome supper that night with my mama and hit some outlet malls. enjoyed spoiling my family. thankful for seth's friend tom tom.

5/8- training ended on this day at 2:30pm. discover during the day that a client is in crisis. spend the entire two hour drive home on the phone trying to solve said crisis. little progress made. arrive home in time to pick up tali and zach from brookes, stop by the house and pack an overnight bag, and take zach immediately to his friend isaacs house for a sleepover. then go immediately to the jones' estate where we left to go to brock hancock's benefit dinner and auction.

5/9- spent some time running errands with the family and just chilling out. felt it was deserved at this point.

5/10- church and then tali's dress rehearsal for alice in wonderland in henderson, ky.

5/11- worked literally from 8:30am to 7:30pm this day with a couple of hour break in the middle. my job is not usually like this, but with so many days out and off for training, it was not avoidable today. by the time i got home i was feeling pretty cruddy- sinus icky and super tired.

5/12- definitely coming down with something but working anyway. dance class in the evening.

5/13- things are no good at all. not one bit. had a meeting in the morning and then stayed home and did case notes and such. by 3pm feeling really bad. called in favors and didn't even go to ssk or youth group or turtles. becky is ill.

5/14- home sick from work. was supposed to go to training, so glad i didn't. no dance class tonight, mommy was not feeling good. kids hanging out with jim at the ball park. thanks daddy :)

5/15- still not feeling good, but guilt for taking sick time forces me to another all day training and meeting. not a great idea. take pictures for the photo booth at the kids spring carnival... even worse idea.

5/16- dress rehearsal for alice in wonderland. in henderson, ky of course. home to sleep.

5/17- teach sunday school and then head out for the performance of alice. the show was beautiful. becky was dog tired. out to eat with our bffs afterward. not home til 9pm.

5/18- still sick and realizing it's really "something". call doctor. see him at 3pm. bronchitis and three prescriptions. not able to breath and hanging out on the couch.

5/19- still no good. bronchitis plus migraine. skip dance.

5/20- feeling human again! yay! worked hard today, then did the typical crazy wednesday night routine. lovin' life.

5/21- dance class tonight- last one for the summer.

5/22- kid's last day of school. awards. open house for work in bloomfield. graduation at the high school. proud of tyson :)

5/23- picking strawberries with the family. zach's ball practice. preparing strawberries and catching up on three weeks worth of missed tv.

5/24- today. and now, having typed all that, i am exhausted all over again and you are completely bored! LOL

as crazy as it's been, i can't help but reflect on this month and how incredibly blessed i am. my job is amazing. my church family is truly a beautiful thing. i am so lucky to have two amazing kids who are passionate about the things they love (dance and baseball). a husband who will wisk the kids away when he knows i need the peace and quiet to rest. the opportunities to continue to learn and grow. and that even though i was really sick, how infrequently that happens to any serious degree!

so there, you are all caught up! i will try to get some pics up here or on facebook... but that's only if i can pick up my internet signal from the ball park :)


Christy said...

YEA Becky is back.... (for now) lol =)

Lauren said...

Totally glad it wasn't Swine Flu--and I feel like you are a good Twitter candidate!

beverlyj said...

If you tweet I'll puke. Just sayin'.