
I find that I am no more alive than when I am sharing the love of Christ with others. When I stand before a group of people, whether it be 7 or 700... my heart beats with the absolute awareness that without Him, I am nothing... that if He doesn't show up, my words will be just words... and so I lean. It takes me to a place of dependence and reliance that feels all at once like a free fall and the security of a Daddy's lap.  I have come to love my desperate need for Him.  As I have fallen wildly, madly in love with the One big enough to use a broken vessel like me to His glory, the urgency in my spirit to share this same love with others has only been stirred.  

And so, I find myself at a place in my walk with the Lord of saying "yes" to His crazy call, whatever that looks like. I find this fire shut up in my bones, and I can no longer hold it in (Jeremiah 20:9), and indeed, I am weary of trying. 

The Word He has planted so deeply within me is one of His passionate, ravished, unconditional, crazy LOVE for you, and for me. It is a message dripping with grace. I have found that whether you are sitting in a church pew or a jail cell... we all need a revelation of His love in order to walk out the call He has on each of our lives. If we don't start there, we will all fall into striving and working and earning something of such great value that we can't get there on our own.

It's about our receiving our identity from Him. Trusting Him. And allowing the only logical response to this kind of grace to well up within us and pour out into this lost and dying world. His love for us is, indeed, radical... how can our response be any less?

I am always open to prayerfully considering any speaking engagement and topic, and the Lord is always faithful to supply every need for inspiration and revelation, but here are a few topics that I have spoken on before:

Marriage (based on my own testimony of a restored marriage)
  • Without Words: Loving a spouse who doesn't love Jesus
  • Happily Ever After: a story of God's restoration
  • Who am I?: Understanding your identity in Christ
  • Worth it all: Learning how to receive all Jesus has to offer
Being a Christ-follower
  • Freely and Lightly: Learning the unforced rhythms of grace (Matthew 11:28-30, Mssg)
  • In His Presence: Talking to God like He's really there (prayer)
  • Daily Bread: Meeting God in His Word (studying the Bible)
His Love
  • A Lavish Love: Understanding the heart of our Bridegroom God
  • Lifting the Veil: Removing the lies than hinder love
Personal Testimony
  • The Tale of a Prodigal Daughter: How Jesus got his robe dirty, to offer me a clean one
  • At the feet of Jesus: Finding my rightful place in the Kingdom
I have also taught on the power of the Holy Spirit, how to love the prodigals in your life, why our witness is important, and many, many teachings based directly on passages of scripture.  If you are interested in talking over topics a little more, or booking an engagement, please contact me directly at becky.boyles@gmail.com or by using the contact form on this site.

God bless!

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