Today, my heart is full of thanks for new opportunities. The Lord has blessed me with a knack for the creative, whether it be scrapbooking, painting, decorating... or photography... it's something that comes naturally, and obviously from the Lord! For a long time I have been resistant of using these gifts to earn money... but lately He is showing me that some giftings can be used so that I have more resources to support ministries, or more free time to serve Him. This is a part of the process of becoming all that He imagined me to be when He created me. It's becoming comfortable in my own skin, and in my talents...
As I type that I think about the three servants with whom the master left talents. I know, I know, in the parable the talents are actually money... but it certainly seems appropriate to correlate those talents with the abilities our Master has deposited into our lives. How are we investing them? How are we sowing them? How are we using them to bring increase to the kingdom? I have always seen my talents as an opportunity to bless others... but God has been very clear over the last two or three months that He has something more in mind.
After much prayer, and the surprising (and consistent, and encouraging, and supportive) urging of Jim, I have decided to take my photography gig a little more seriously. For years I have taken senior pics, family pics, tortured my own children, done more weddings than I care to remember, and dabbling in sports photography. I have charged very nominal prices for my time because, well, I just felt weird about it. Now, however, after a ridiculous number of confirmations (yes, I kept wringing out the fleece and waiting for yet another confirmation from God, and boy am I thankful that He is not only patient, but also generous to meet us in our hesitancy)... I am officially going to label myself a "photographer" by launching my brand-spanking-new website.
I am so thankful for this opportunity. Since the time Jim first began talking to me about doing this for real, I have been inundated with requests for family portraits, senior pics, and children's sessions. I even ended up at a wedding on a weeks notice (He has a sense of humor, too). He is saying... walk this way, Becky. I have no idea where this path is leading me. He hasn't illuminated much farther than the next step... but you know what...
I trust Him.
And so I will continue to put one foot in front of the other, following where His voice is calling. If this proves to be a short-lived side job to allow Jim and I to get completely debt free, that is enough! If this proves to be a long term opportunity to raise money to support ministries and missionaries He has placed on my heart, that is enough! If this leads to other opportunities, that is enough! Even if it goes nowhere... I trust the process, and that is enough!
So... excitedly, hesitantly, nervously, expectantly... I bring to you...
in a blink
UPDATE: I registered my own domains so now in a blink can be found at!
Click. Tell your friends. Let me know what you think. And pray for me... that I believe and not doubt what He is asking me to do...
And I will be doing the same for you, friend... because our Creator God is One who is always growing us, stretching us, asking us to step outside of the box and trust Him. He likes to create something new. Because of that I can be confident that He is speaking to your heart as well about the next step in your life. What new opportunities is He placing before you?
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