

"Oh that you would shut the temple doors so that you would not light useless fires on my altar! I am not pleased with you" says the LORD Almighty. [Malachi 1:10]

How these words pierced my heart the first time I read them. Throughout the Old Testament we read the story of a loving Father who has called, provided for, delivered, protected, disciplined, encouraged, and loved a people. A nation. When they cried for food in the desert, He sent manna. When they cried for meat, He sent meat. When they cried for a king, He provided a king. When they cried for deliverance, He delivered. When they cried for His presence, He filled the temple. When they cried for mercy, He was merciful.

And yet, at the close of these thirty nine sacred texts it has come to this.

A Father saying "I would rather you not visit me at all, than bring the detestable sacrifices you are bringing". Does it pierce your heart?

"When you bring injured, crippled, or diseased animals and offer them as sacrifices, should I accept them from your hands?" says the LORD. "Cursed is the cheat who has an acceptable male in his flock and vows to give it, but then sacrifices a blemished animal to the Lord." [Malachi 1:13-14a]

A people reduced to offering their second (or third, or fourth...) best to a Father who had always loved them well. And after centuries of disobedience and idolatry, He was finally fed up.

"Oh that you would shut the temple doors so that you would not light useless fires on my altar!" There it is, the exclamation point that draws my attention. They are rare in Scripture and so demand a closer look. I hear such pain in these words. Heartbreak. It is a Father saying to His son "if you can't treat me with any more respect than this... just go!"

And in case we did not yet understand, our Father spells it out... "I am not pleased with you".

I remember days with two year old Zachary, always full of energy and curiosity, figuring out his world and often times finding himself in trouble. Except in his exuberance and childlike ignorance... he never seemed to realize that he was being disciplined until I sat him in a chair, dropped to my knees, looked him right in the eye and said sternly "you are in TROUBLE". He literally didn't know until he was told. Then his little face would crumble, tears welling in his eyes...

That is what this passage of scripture makes me feel like. Because I read it, and I look into my life... and I see so many areas that I offer God my second, or third, or fourth best... Times I spend watching trash on television that I could be meditating on His word. Times I spend saying things that should not be said, when I could be using my words to edify and encourage others. Times I put my desire for that pretty new thing over His call to live generously. Times I have stopped short of saying the things He has put in my heart to say.

And then, a mere 1000 or so words later, God falls silent. After a millennium of near constant contact with the Father through His prophets, His words cease falling to earth. Four hundred long years of... silence.

"I am not pleased with you"...

Had these been the last words heard from Heaven, where would our hope be?

But His plan was not to leave us in our sin. He looked upon our detestable sacrifices, our second and third and fourth best... and answered with His own Son. Like any fine Father, He led by example, offering His very best. Himself. God-Man. A perfect, unblemished sacrifice. Once for All. What we were unable to do, He accomplished for us.

I think of those moments when my children were born. The time between birth and hearing their first feeble cries... the air heavy in the room with the wait. Unable to see what the doctors and nurses were doing, these cries were the reassurance that all was okay. The wait over, new life begun.

To think... of the babe Jesus... his first cries echoing from the stone walls of a crude stable... after four hundred years of the wait.

The reassurance that all was okay.

New life begun.

Not just for this extraordinary child. But for all. This baby, born to die. It's hard to grasp. Impossible to get our minds around... Baby with fists pumping in the air that would one day carry the nails. For you. For me.

How all of creation must have craned to hear those cries. How all of heaven must have leaned in to see this moment of Light entering the darkness. A collective sigh of comfort and hope and knowledge that all was okay.

Jesus, showing us the way.

This is what sacrifice looks like. This is an offering pleasing to God. The One who gave Himself. The One who led by example. Bearing the weight of our sin and our shame, fulfilling the law... no longer are rams and sheep carried into the temple. He paid the price. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes, so that we may someday wear robes of righteousness.

He came as a babe, offering of Self, so that we may know this overwhelming love of the Father. So that we may be able to offer of self. Offer our heart. Offer our will. Offer our minds. All to the One who is worthy. All to the One who made a way for us to approach the throne of grace without bloodstained hands.

When we were unable to reconcile ourselves to God. He reconciled Himself to us.

Don't lose your wonder this Christmas season. We celebrate so much more than the birth of a baby... we celebrate the birth of a Savior. A baby, born to die. A baby who came so that we would know the way. That we would know the path of humility. Servanthood. Love. Boldness. Hope. Relationship. Sacrifice.

Don't lose your wonder at what this babe came to accomplish. What He DID accomplish. Piercing the silence with the cries of an infant, cries that brought hope and life and light.

I think of Father God looking me directly in the eye. The intensity of His gaze... but the words... the words have changed.  No longer those words that pierce my heart with condemnation...

a different set of heart-piercing words... "well done, good and faithful servant..." Ah, to hear those words some day!

All because of a baby, crying out from a manger. Because of His sacrifice. His example. His Spirit indwelling and guiding. Because He has shown us the way to the Father... this babe. This babe the way.  Because of this baby, we may hear these beautiful words from the Father who only knows how to love well.

Don't lose your wonder this Christmas Season! Four hundred years of silence shattered by the cries of a newborn. 

What a difference a baby makes....!


tied together with love

This weekend was incredible. On Saturday morning I had the great pleasure of gathering with some beautiful women of God from our area who have a heart for Jesus and a desire to be His hands and feet. The project was simple... make blankets for those who find themselves sleeping in the cold this Christmas.

It started with piles and piles and piles of fleece... every color of the rainbow, soft patterns, even some jazzy zebra stripes. Next came cutting, tying knot after knot after knot after knot... then repeat. Twenty-one times.

As we worked, our thoughts kept turning to the homeless that will receive these blankets. It occurred to me as I worked along that we probably could have just bought blankets [already made] that would have kept these precious people warm... but isn't there something special about receiving a handmade gift? Knowing that someone cared enough, to do this just for you. Yes it is a special feeling to know that you are wrapped in a blanket tied together with love... each knot a prayer for your protection, that you would encounter God and the love He has for you, that He would make a way out of the darkness...

I saw the pile of "breakfasts in a bag" the SonShine Kids had put together for this same outreach, gloves donated by another...  I was so happy to be a part of the project, but I have to admit there was a longing in my heart to do more. Giving the gift of a blanket and a breakfast is a beautiful thing [especially a handmade one!]... but my heart still broke knowing that these blankets would find homes on the streets. Wrapping around people who feel hopeless, forgotten... cold. I found my heart crying out to God "don't let this be the end, show us how to do more. Show us how to love these folks well...to use the resources we have for your Kingdom... guide us Lord..."

You know what they say... be careful what you ask for.

How could I have expected to hear these words the following morning in my own church... "they are staying in their car, is it okay if they take one of the blankets...?" Of course! Of course... you didn't need to ask. Of course...

And then the quickening of the Holy Spirit. Maybe you can't make a way for every one of those 21 blankets, tied together with love, to make their way to an actual bed under an actual roof with actual heat. But what about this one? 

Over the next several hours, I was blown away as I saw the Body of Christ respond to this need. I sit here in tears as I recall the overwhelming response to a quiet plea to help. None of those who answered the call knew the people who needed assistance, and even more... They didn't bother to ask. They just gave. They tapped into their own, personal resources the week before Christmas. They pulled strings and called in favors. They mobilized resources from church. And within hours a couple was led to a modest room, with a real bed and real roof and real heat... Boxes and bags of food, toiletries, towels, toothbrushes all unloaded and put away... Gas cards tucked safely away in their pocket... bowls, skillet, dog kennel... Every perceived need met by anonymous faces. The hands and feet and heart of Jesus.

All of this, so that this couple who is seeking Christ could know and rely on the love the Father has for them. A Divine encounter in a hotel room where Jesus' heart met theirs.

I don't know why He would allow me to see this unfold first hand... except that He knows the desire of my heart to see the Body come together. And He knew how I would rejoice in seeing resources come from people connected to so many different churches and denominations. It was such a beautiful thing. It is such a beautiful thing. This weekend I caught a glimpse of His Bride... from quick fingers working hundreds of knots to quiet deliveries of food to text messages that say "I have room"... it was a beautiful, beautiful thing... and I could see why He is so ravished by Her beauty...!

So many times the church gets it wrong... we judge, and criticize, and stumble, and fail... but let us not forget the times when she gets it right. When her eyes are on Him, and she quickens to His call. When her heart is beating in rhythm with His, her hands are moving under His guidance, and her feet are going steadfast on the path He has laid before her... let us remember these times. Focus on them... and be encouraged to do more!

If you are interested in getting involved... let me know. We are going to continue to get together every month or so to make blankets so we can have even more to hand out next Christmas. You can participate by donating money, buying fleece, or showing up and tying knots. Let me know if you are interested and I will keep you in the loop on upcoming meetings.

You can also join me in praying for the other 20 blankets. I am believing God to make a way for each of those blankets to make their way from the street to a real bed with a real roof over it and real heat blowing through vents in real walls. And I am believing that He is going to use His Body to make it happen, and that He will be glorified through Her obedience! I know it may not happen immediately for all of those blankets, but I trust His timing, and it will be as perfect as last night was... His heart meeting ours. Our hearts meeting theirs. It is a beautiful, beautiful thing... being tied together with love.



My dancer falls asleep on the seat beside me and I am left with my prayer-thoughts and the darkness stretching out ahead.  The Word He has whispered is "Lightbearers"... but what does that mean, really... "I have called you all to be Lightbearers...in your homes, communities, and world..."


An onslaught of light comes at me in pairs. They show the way ahead for the ones behind the wheel. Small bursts of light breaking into the darkness. It's incredible, isn't it, what two small headlights can do in a world full of night? Is this what it means to be a Lightbearer? To carry His Light within us so that it may reveal the path ahead?

Distracted from the steady line of light moving toward me, my eyes are drawn to to the soft orange glow of the streelamps lining the exit. Lightbearers illuminating the way to a new road. A new way. A direction change. Maybe this is what it is to bear His light? Lighting the turn before others, so that they may find the way that leads to life?

And then, at the end of the exit are more lights, shining from the ground to the billboard above. Attention drawn from the world swirling around to the message and color splashed across the larger than life image. Perhaps this is it? Surely this what He means by being a bearer of Light? Holding the spotlight on the One to whom our attention is deserved? Pointing toward Him and so doing allowing His message to crash into the lives of others?

I sense His presence. A soft whisper, a deep truth "it is all of these, and more". His Light within us illuminates the path He has laid out before us. Bearing His Light gives us direction, purpose, enlightenment. It shows the way for others, causing them to desire something new. Causing them to turn toward life. As His light fills us, it should seep from our pores, shining into the darkness around us... always, always pointing to Him. It is the green light that says "go"... the red one that stops us in our tracks. It is the flashing yellow light that warns of danger up ahead. It is the flashing turn signals informing the world that we are headed in a new direction.

But being a Lightbearer is hard. There are times, so many times, that we need encouraged in this calling. And so He had been speaking to my heart... showing me a vision of an auditorium full of women. Truth and love and encouragement pouring from the stage. Many parts of the same Body coming together, seeking the Light. The idea was wonderful. The vision was beautiful.

And here we are on the verge of vision-turned-reality, announcing the first annual "Lightbearers Women's Conference"!

If you are ready to be empowered and equipped to be a Lightbearer in your home, our community, and the world... join us. If you have been bearing His Light for a long time, and need encouraged... join us. If you have seen the Light seeping from others and are drawn to take the exit that leads to life... join us. This conference is for you. It is for me.

To learn more, click here...


no ordinary day...

Today was no ordinary day.

I woke up at my ordinary time. The kids went about their ordinary routine and climbed aboard their ordinary school bus. I watched my ordinary morning program as I answered ordinary emails.  I ran ordinary errands, and went about an ordinary work day. I had an ordinary lunch and left my ordinary tip.

But today was no ordinary day. Today I awoke with a revelation of how incredible the gift of today is. And that changes everything.

Day in and day out I awaken, go about my day, and then eventually doze off to sleep… dulled by the predictability of it all. The ordinariness of life.

But there is nothing ordinary about any today.

The very mechanics that keep you and I breathing are mind-boggling. The fact that we awaken each morning is a miracle in and of itself. The delicate balance that is necessary to keep us functioning… it’s truly astounding if you delve very deeply into it all. In fact, there is nothing ordinary about the fact that I can form thoughts and ideas, assimilate information, type it into this keyboard on my lap, read the words from an illuminated screen, that the light splashing against the back of my eye would cause electric impulses to begin bouncing around my brain… forming thoughts and ideas, assimilating information…

That’s extraordinary! Have you ever stopped to think about it at all?

And so, this was no ordinary day. As I opened my eyes this morning and began talking to God about today, considering the tasks before me, He impressed upon my heart “this is no ordinary day… none of your days are ordinary. Each carry a plan, a purpose… no, there is nothing ordinary about today…”

So, as I made an ordinary home visit, I found the extraordinary opportunity to meet another of God’s children at her point of need… not a need for additional in-home services, or for food or money, but the need for someone to be present, listening, nodding with empathy and offering hope during this difficult season in her life.

As I sat waiting for my lunch, I found the opportunity to smile gently to the one preparing my food.

As I ran ordinary errands, I found the chance to bring joy into chaotic places, grace where other customers would have shown frustration, and appreciation where so many take for granted.

As I heard the ordinary beep of my cell phone, I was blessed by the opportunity to pray for a dear, dear friend and to encourage her heart the way she has so often encouraged mine.

His grace met my heart today, and there is nothing ordinary about that. He smoothed away a bit more of me, making room for more of Him. That is extraordinary.

And so today I am changing the header on my blog. This is no longer “a glimpse at my quirky, mundane, blessed little world”… because there is nothing mundane about this world. There is nothing mundane about this breath in my nostrils, or heart beating with such passion in my chest, or mind firing off thoughts faster that I can record them… this is an extraordinary world. Full of possibilities.  Ripe with potential.  This is a life saturated by His grace. And that’s amazing.

Praying for you, friend, who feels dulled by the predictability of it all. The ordinariness of life. I understand. I have been there.  And so I am praying that you will encounter Him in a fresh way today… that your eyes will be awakened to the extraordinary grace that pours into each day He has given you, the love He has for you, the mercy He has extended to you. Praying that He will open your eyes, as He did mine… to this magical opportunity we have to find grace in the everyday. 


keeping Christ in Christmas...

Over the last several years, I have noticed a trend building momentum around the holidays regarding the word “Christmas”… and this year it has been especially rampant among my Facebook friends with regular statuses declaring their desire to keep CHRIST in CHRISTmas. Or bemoaning the insult of businesses not allowing employees to say “Merry Christmas”.  I even saw one status copied and pasted several times that said in essence, “I’m a Christian and if you don’t like it you can shove it” (I am using completely different words because I don’t want to point fingers at anyone in particular… but that was the idea of the post).

Is that what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus?  This God-man who walked this world in such humility and love that He got on bended knee before the very man that would betray Him and washed his feet? Consider that...Jesus knew that Judas would kiss his cheek and so doing begin the trek to the cross… the ultimate betrayal… a friend, a trusted disciple, a follower… and He washed his feet.

I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately, especially in light of the offense swirling around the use of the word “Christmas”.  Wondering what WOULD Jesus do this time of year?  Would His response be one of anger and indignation… or instead would it be one of… love? humility?

Perhaps if the people who were refusing to use the term CHRISTmas were CHRISTians I could see the concern. We ARE called to raise the banner in Jesus’ name. We ARE called to hold one another accountable to living lives sold out for Him. But the last time I checked, Wal-Mart isn’t a Christian organization.  

I just can’t escape the notion that us believers are expecting non-believers to act like… well… believers. We hold them to a standard they cannot possibly meet, because it’s a standard one can only achieve through the powerful in-workings of the Holy Spirit.  We want to demand that they use the term “Christmas” when, perhaps, they are NOT celebrating the birth of a Savior.

We are.

And so I wonder why we become so offended when those who do not have the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide them, behave as people who do not have the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide them?

I don’t wish to suggest that we as believers should never be offended. There are things that should cause a swell of emotion to rise up within us.  Even Jesus had His moment of righteous anger when He entered the temple to find business men turning the sacred ritual of sacrifice into a mockery with over-priced and sick animals. He got mad, and He cleared the temple. So there are things that should raise our hackles…
When we see people taking advantage of those who have nowhere to turn (like in those in the temple courts who had to have a sacrifice).

When we see children purchased into slavery and forced to work from sun-up to sun-down.

When 5,000,000 children a year die from malnutrition.

When there are families outside our own doors going without heat, water, gas because the economy turned and they could not keep up.

When countless unborn babies never see the light of day because truth and hope were not shared with their scared mothers.

When little girls are stolen into the dark world of the sex trade.

Those are things that should offend us, church. Those are the things that should cause a cry to well up within us on behalf of those who cannot cry out themselves.  But a business displaying “Happy Holidays” on its sign should not insight us to speak rudely to that business owner, belittling her choice of words and in so doing, alienating her from anything having to do with “the church”.  And that exact thing just happened in our own community.  Proverbs 19:11 tells us that “it is to a wise man’s glory to overlook an offense”. That’s the standard He has called us to… one of meeting people where they are and overlooking small offenses that could otherwise become obstacles between them and grace.

And so that begs the question… what does it really look like to keep CHRIST in CHRISTmas? Surely it doesn’t look like a Facebook status expressing our great offense at the use of the phrase “Happy Holidays”? Instead, would it not look more like a holiday season spent with CHRIST at the center of our heart, lives, minds? Our gaze steadily and ever on Him? Joy being our language as we talk to others this season? 

Meeting people with the same grace and love that Christ met us with.

Ministering to His heart by ministering to the people that He most often spoke of… the poor, the needy, the oppressed… the least of these.  Sponsoring a family through the Christmas Clearinghouse.  Buying livestock from World Vision’s Christmas catalog for a family overseas. Donating to Heart-to-Heart so they can meet the needs of frightened and overwhelmed mothers faced with a choice. Sponsoring a child through Touch a Life, offering him or her  a hope and a future out of the dark world of slavery.

Isn’t that what it would look like to keep CHRIST in CHRISTmas?

Wouldn’t it be about being set-apart from the crazy, materialistic thing Christmas in America has become? Remembering that it’s not our birthday after all! Don’t get me wrong, my kids will wake up to presents under the tree… I am not suggesting we skip Christmas altogether… but we can celebrate while maintaining focus on the One we ARE celebrating. Making it about Him. Making it about looking more like Him. Making it about loving His children. Making it about making Him known… and not by forcing others to share in our “Merry Christmas”, but by joining them in their “Happy Holidays” and then shining Jesus into their lives from there.

I hope that you hear my heart on this. I love the term “Merry Christmas”. I just don’t think we should expect the unbelieving world to have the same standards as we do, until of course we have met them in love and grace and it becomes the believing world.

I would ask that you at least contemplate this idea as we move through the rest of this holiday season. Instead of a fighting the Christmas Vendetta, let us start a revolution of love, being the LIGHT in the dark places rather than the voice of negativity. Let’s focus on things that are worthy of our frustration and anger, and through prayer and sacrifice raise up the banner of justice.  Let’s follow the path of the Holy Spirit in wooing this unbelieving world into wanting to know Him more.

And let’s truly keep CHRIST in CHRISTmas. 


How to wrap Christmas JOY

The sky still black with night, my brother makes his way to my bedroom. Though his voice is hushed, it is electric with excitement "Becky! It's Christmas!" He did not have to wake me, as I had already taken my own silent trek to the living room to see for myself.

There are few things that compare to that time of excitement. Laying in bed with my little brother, watching the clock and waiting for it to be less night and more morning so we could finally wake up a mom who we now know was laying in her own bed, listening to our excited giggles and speculation the whole time. 

Now that I am grown, little has changed. There have been many Christmases where Jim and I have laid in bed, excitedly waiting for the moment that Tali and Zach would make their way into the living room... Listening as they peek into stockings, evaluate the gifts and who they were for, eventually making their way to our bedroom. Their hushed voices ringing with a joy that seems unique to Christmas morning.

It's a simple thing, yet that time-before-the-chaos of wrapping paper and bows and gifts are my favorite moments.

And so, as I talked to my friend (and cousin, and coworker- yes, she's all three) the other day about a project she has taken on at work... my heart broke.

Last year, Generations & 211 coordinated with other local agencies such as the United Way, the Salvation Army, local schools, businesses, and charitable organizations to create a "Christmas Clearinghouse". The goal was to be able to serve more families by eliminating duplication of services during this holiday season. So over the last month, Angela has been taking in calls from families who, for one reason or another, have no means to provide Christmas for their children this year. She has also spoken to many, many businesses and agencies who have offered to sponsor hundreds of children.

But the need is great. 

And at this moment, the need is outpacing the sponsorship.

As of a week ago, there were about 200 children that will not have Christmas, if we don't act. These are not kids in some far off land... these are kids that you pass on the street as they play outside in their yards. These   are kids that go to school with your own children. They play together at recess. Ride together on the bus. 

According to the American Consumer Credit Counsel, the average American will spend $935 on Christmas this year, the vast majority of that on gifts to family and friends. And there are children in our own communities that will wake up to nothing. It's hard to imagine, friends, but it is true. 

Our priority has become lavishing more and more and more on those who already have much, while we pretend that there aren't children going without. Kids who need to know that they are loved, and valued, and appreciated. Kids who need to know that they are not forgotten.

Tonight I am challenging you to be the one who remembers. To mobilize a group of friends and sponsor one or two or ten children. Talk to your Sunday School class, Bible Study group, spouse, best friend, coworkers... and do something.  As you buy and wrap gifts for these little ones, you will be doing more than filling their house with toys and clothes... you will be filling it with the hushed excitement and electricity of a Christmas morning. And that, friends, is how you can buy, wrap, and give Christmas joy this season.

You will give parents in desperate circumstances peace. And the knowledge that someone cares. 

Helping is easy... contact Angela Dobbs at 888-4279 or email her at adobbs@vinu.edu. We have had several calls this last week, children taken off the waiting list... but we have also had more applications submitted. The need is great, and you can help.

This isn't about playing Santa to a group of children, it's about being Jesus to them.


30: God

Today I am thankful for my Father who loves... for the Son who climbed a tree for me... and the sweet, sweet Holy Spirit who brings power and conviction and strength.

I can't think of any other way to wrap up this 30-days of Thanks... but to thank the One who is my all in all. The One through whom all of those other things were made and given to me. The One who looked into our human condition, and seeing that we could not overcome the stain of sin on our own, entered one of these frail frames to bring reconciliation to the world. To me. To my family and my friends. 

I cannot wrap my finite human mind around a God so big that He could speak this universe into existence, yet so personal that He would choose to inhabit this temple.

How is that possible? 

Oh but it is. And it is everything. 

This is my life. He is the One who has ravished my heart and caused me to chase hard after Him. He is the One who picks me up when I fall, and gently turning my face back towards His reminds me that He is all that matters. He brings strength to the weak, joy to the mourning, peace to the storm. 

He is enough

I have written about 29 things that I am thankful for this month... but if any or all of those were taken from me... He is enough. He is enough when the bank says no to the loan. He is enough when the business fails. He is enough when the child is sick. He is enough when the spouse is taken. He is enough when the health is failing. He is enough when the struggles are hard. He is enough when the reputation is questioned. Whatever you are facing today... He is ENOUGH.

Do you really believe that? 

For many years, I have professed that He is enough... and then lived my life clinging to things of this world as though they would somehow supplement His enough-ness. 

In Him we have a Father who is creator, sustainer, provider. In Him we have a Jesus who is lover, bridegroom, Prince of Peace. In Him we have a Spirit who is counselor, comforter, keeper. That is enough.

All of those things I have clung to with white knuckles and fearful heart are by their very nature... temporary. Ethereal. Vapor. It's like grasping at a cloud that will pass through this way but once. But He is eternal. He is the rock. He is the One you can count on. 

Even when He, in His wisdom, requires the highest sacrifice.

I can't tell you why God required my Daddy when I was only twelve years old. But I know that God is good, He is always good, and His ways are good... and so I trust Him. I can't explain why sometimes children are not allowed a childhood. But He is good. He is enough. I don't know why businesses must fail, even when you have labored in prayer for a miracle. But He is good. I don't know why cancer ravages. But He is good. You can trust Him. 

All these are but a blink on the face of time while He is eternity. He is enough.

I pray that He is enough for you today. That regardless of what you are facing in your life, you will cling to the One that will last. That you will seek Him as the prize of your life... really seek Him

For far too long I said He was enough, but I didn't live my life that way. I lived my life seeking the comfortable way. The self-preserving way. As He has opened my eyes to the real condition of the church, I have seen that I am not the only one. 

Dig deep, church. Look into your heart and ask yourself... is He really enough? He wants to be enough for you, He wants to be your everything.  He has given His all so that He could be... so come with me, let's start walking in it...! Let's live a life empowered by His enough-ness. Really trusting Him for who He says He is! Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Three in One, ministering to your heart. 

You can trust Him.

He is enough.